Amazon Hacks for TEACHER​S; 40 items you must have!

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YES! I want to know the Amazon Hacks for teachers and to see the “must-have” items you’re are talking about.

Now you all know that Amazon is the world’s biggest warehouse, so they have many more items than the 40 I’m going to describe here. But if you look through these and get one or two, it’s a good start.

Dry-Erase Marker Board and Pens

Full disclosure; I am no longer an affiliate for Amazon. However, I did not want to delete this article because it lists some really awesome teacher items. I believe you can still get these items from Amazon, but I will not have a link embedded as I once did. So instead of the hyper-link, the items will be listed in itallics.

The Six Categories for my Amazon Hacks for Teachers

I’ve divided my “must have” list into 6 different categories; basic supplies, dry-erase items, storage, magnetic items, furniture and tools of the trade.

1. Basic supplies

Another item that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE are post-it notes and in all sizes. And a super cool item available too is chart paper that works like a post-it note that you can hang on a wall or the marker board.

The final “basic supply” that I suggest that you may need are address labels. These come in a variety of sizes and are easy to use in many places throughout the classroom. They can also go through a printer to add student names, labels, or a graphic. They also come in full-size labels. These are awesome for placing on the front of folders or special projects where you want to jazz it up a bit.

Teachers love their pens and markers!

2. Dry-Erase Items

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE dry-erase boards. I know some of you younger teachers have a puzzled look on your face right now because that’s all you’ve ever known (even when you were a student yourself). But when I started teaching we had actual blackboards with chalk. GASP!!

Manufacturers have gotten creative as teachers’ needs have expanded. Some of the current “Amazon Hacks for Teachers” in the dry-erase items you can get are: dry-erase dice and dry-erase tape.

Also, for your students to write on, there are dry-erase clip boards, dry-erase pockets, and page protectors that make quick easy dry erase boards when you place cardstock in the sleeves.

Of course, for all this dry-erase work, you need the markers. Here is a complete set of colored markers. Here is are sets of thin student-use black markers. And if you’d like to have easy dry-erase wipes, expo makes those too.

3. Items for Storage

Teachers always seem to need tons of storage. Even when classrooms already have some closets and cabinets.

At least I did. Especially since you need to have things all around the classroom in the different areas where you will use everything.

Here is a 30-slot mailbox compartment. You can use this for student mailboxes or for paper storage or whatever you need it for.

Also, here is a 10-drawer organizer which you can get with colored drawers or clear ones.

Also, here is a link to handy pocket organizers; there are large mesh ones and the regular shoe ones. They are made to hang on a door, so I’m not sure if your classroom will work for them, but I wanted to be sure to include them in case they do fit.

If you want to store student supplies like scissors and glue at a side table, here are some sectioned caddies.

And lastly, for the storage items are various storage boxes.

4. Awesome Magnetic Items

Who doesn’t like magnetic items? They make everything so much easier. The selection of magnetic teaching supplies has exploded since I was a teacher. If you are able to get some of these, I guarantee they will make your job so much easier. Here they are:

  • magnetic hooks
  • magnetic sentence strip pockets
  • magnetic white board spinners
  • magnetic ten frames
  • magnetic numbers
  • magnetic rod

5. Furniture

The new classroom set-ups these days are adorable. I don’t know how many schools are providing the furniture needed for this, and how much is actually teacher bought. If I had to take a guess, I’d say the teachers are buying it themselves (which of course isn’t right, but that’s another story).

Anyway, when I was looking around on Amazon, I found these two items that I thought I could have used in my classroom AND the cost wasn’t too outrageous.

The first is these cute colorful stools, I can just see these around a group table, or in the reading nook.

And another item is a handy coffee table with a small shelf underneath that would be great for storing games or tubs with supplies. Please do not order the one shown with the glass insert on top; nothing glass for classrooms. (smiley face)

Another cute and inexpensive form of student seating (if your students aren’t too big) is to make cushions for the plastic crates turned upside down.

6. Tools of the Trade

So, I’m calling this final category “Tools of the Trade” because the items didn’t fit into one of the other categories, BUT they are super awesome finds that I’m sure you will OOO and AWE over.

Personal laminating machine – what teacher wouldn’t want her own personal laminator. I know I wish I had this when I taught. Of course, it only laminates the small items, but sometimes that’s all you need.

Laminating sheets for the machine above.

Various bulletin board items we can always use more bulletin board labels and borders.

Electric pencil sharpener – who doesn’t need one of these. The sound of the manual pencil sharpener just annoys me to pieces. I’m not even sure if classes have manual ones anymore.

These are really cool “seat sacks” that fit over student chairs to hold various items for each student.

Here’s a few more items you might like.

And here is a table top easel that would be great for certain group work or to assign steps for a process and have it displayed yet not to take up space on the marker board or chart paper. I know often in the middle of lessons we run out of display space to use, this might solve some of those problems.

Who doesn’t love these felt boards? I see them in so many places today and I love them. They come in a variety of colors also.

Awesome Felt Board with Letters!

Now that we’re talking about sprucing up the room a bit, how about some twinkle lights who wouldn’t love those?

Here is #40; and this one is just for you, my teacher friend. An awesome Yeti tumbler for your coffee! I guess if you’re not a coffee drinker you can use it for hot chocolate, tea, or even just water. Now, I know these are a bit more costly than regular ones, but they are much better quality, and, aren’t you worth it!! I think so!

I hope you’ve found one or two items in my list of Amazon Hacks for Teachers that you are dying to have here. And if your family and friends ask what you want for Christmas or your birthday, send them to this article to pick one for you.

Until Next Time,

Your Teacher Buddy

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